miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

hello classmate and teacher, my experience un this class is not good, unfortunatle because english over 1, 2 and 3 do not think I learned a lot from what we already knew from school, since the teacher can attets to my effort and dedication but I do not like the subject.

The experience in the blogs is not good beacuse the queries are answeres in english and people that know little is not well undestood, since at the beginning grammar is taught as a course very fast in general and the doubts are. Then, progress would be archivied as a course not completed by the few hours that we have for that class and privilege of students by the rammer of this career.

I took this approach for people like me who does not know english only as a relatively well-read I try to learn a little more.

I would like to be taken into account the opinion for the people who least know for this couse and we spend and ready but it is not an improvement in us and verify the credibility of the test to see what you already know does not reflect it.

I hope this is a contribution to improve the course

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

hello classmate and teacher this post I will speak about my future in seven years.

my carrear has many variantions in the workplace, different areas of physical therapy are: neurological, trauma, cardiac, etc. I has a physical therapy want to develope in the area of traumatologia because i like these case and I realize in sport area.

In public hospital is poor attention and so I would like to work in them, I service my vocation that highlights much of the time choose a job but also take time to enjoy live in a very good job ( well paid) because in chile the salary in public area is not good because I must found another job well paid to have a better life. since the life is very costs

the physical therapy is a good carrear because dealing with the patient is very friendly since we do not have a desk between patient and physicians, but we play the patient feel pain and can with them at all times.

the patient wants also much more to physical therapy for their good treatment of the.

the warmth of the hand massages such treatment gives love and warmth.

this carrear is the one that I have always wanted to study and I am very happy because I have tried very hard to be here in the best university of chile and I really love physical therapy.

in the way until the end of my career many things can happen so I hope all of my dreams can come true

I hope you like my post i'll see you next week

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

preventions in the city

preventions in the city

in this post I will speak about the prevention in the country because is very important that people dont get sick, since the hospital and medical center are far from the place they live.

In the country is very common to get sick because the most and differently factor but the very hard work, very cold environment, and differently factor.

the prevention is related with one balance diet because a body is a healthy body when it is well nourished, moreover the sport in they lives is very important because the sport help to keep weight since to use body energy.

the family in the house is very careless because do not take care when leaving the shower, for example, in my area physical therapy the sportman must to carry out warm up because prevent lesions, to tear, sprain, etc. since the muscle to produce a best performance because is have a god temperature and his elasticity to increase, in this case the cell imporvement his performance.

the physical therapy help to family in the education in the area the sport, respiratory, neuroligical, traumatism, etc... for example in the traumatism the physical therapy moreover curing it helps in the way that the physical therapist teach the patient how to take care of himself

bye-bye classmate and teacher I hope these tips will help you

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

male chauvinism

hellos classmates and teacher !

in this post, i will talk of a very new chile because the men in this country have changed this attitudes. The men are not laki before bacause before did not help anything in the house but now if they do.
the woman now is very different because now woman are more liberal, woman in this house no longer meets the same rol because they are engaged to work, the work in this time is very indispensable because the money is usseless, the foood prices go up every day.
1000 chilean pesos before a family could eat lunch but now is very imposible. because that de money is not worth the same at before.
the men have had to acecept monetary support from their wives because teh salary is usseless, live today is very expensive to live in peace and comfortable, therefore the rol of teh house have changed a lot and was left behind male chauvinism.
the male chauvinism is very difficult lifestyle to bring today by the revelation of the woman and want to have the same opportunities as men , i think that this is a not bad idea, but the cost of living